Premature Baby Resources

Preemie Books
Recommended books on prematurity for parents, children and professionals. Plus author interviews.
Comeunity: Premature Baby Premature Child
Companion website on preemie babies and older preemies. Will keep you occupied for hours in reading
about preemies.
Childrens' Disabilities Information
A fantastic resource for parents of preemies who might have special needs.
This comprehensive website on children's special needs, covers many of
the long term impacts related to prematurity: Sensory integration, anxiety, cerebral palsy, learning difficulties, vision impairment, speech and language, attention deficit (ADD/ADHD), autism and more.
Tommy's Preemie Web
One of the oldest preemie sites on the Web documents the life of their preemie boy from
infancy to teen.
BLISS - The National Charity for the Newborn
This English charity for infants provides a special focus on prematurity.
Neonatology on the Web.
History of neonatology.
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD). Dr. Tom Kovesi, The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Detailed explanation of BPD for parents of preterm infants, including treatment, complications and prognosis.
For more than 20 years, this site has provided articles and resources for raising your preemie, in the NICU and home.
NICHD Neonatal Research Network (NRN), established in 1986, to addresses the need for rigorous research in babies admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). Their website provides links to research papers, growth charts and outcome tools for premature babies.
March of Dimes - Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) provides short articles on coping while your premature baby is in the NICU.